Samsung has announced to follow a new nomenclature for the Galaxy smartphones. The Galaxy range will now be segregated in five different categories and further sub-categorized in three variants. “S” (Super Smart) will be the given to top-end device of Samsung Galaxy smartphones. It will be the flagship phone. Moving down the ladder will […]
Samsung schedules an event on May 24
Samsung is sending out invites to US-based journalists and bloggers about an upcoming event on May 24. While the invite does not say what the New York will be about but considering the background image, it has got to do something with the Galaxy. So what do you think? New Galaxy Tabs, Galaxy Players […]
Three UK lineup suggests Galaxy S II Mini incoming
If leaked prices of Galaxy S II are any indication, the Samsung flagship won’t go for cheap. However, it looks like Samsung is preparing a smaller, lower spec’d version of Galaxy S II for those who don’t want to spend much. Behold the Galaxy S II Mini that looks similar to the Galaxy S […]
Samsung officially announces Galaxy Ace, Fit and Pop for India
Samsung has officially announced Galaxy Ace, Galaxy Fit and Galaxy Pop for the Indian market. The announcement is somewhat surprising as the phones are already on sale in the market lower than Samsung’s suggested MRP. Galaxy Ace (S5830) is the top-end model from today’s announcement that features Android 2.2 OS, 3.5-inch HVGA display, 800MHz processor, […]
Samsung Galaxy Ace (SHW-M240S) gets official for South Korea
Samsung has announced Galaxy Ace (SHW-M240S) for its domestic market. The phone that was on showcase at the MWC will now sell in South Korea via SK Telecom. Galaxy Ace for South Korea is similar to the international variant that comes with a “Hyperskin” battery cover to make it aesthetically pleasing and at the […]