Samsung announced its latest mobile processor, the Exynos 980 with integrated 5G modem and AI capabilities. The Exynos 580 is based on advanced 8-nanometer (nm) FinFET process technology. With the integration of 5G modem, this processor is power efficient as well as saves space in the device. The modem supports 2G to 5G connectivity and […]
Samsung KX Experience Space is a fusion of local culture and innovation
Samsung inaugurated the Samsung KX experience space at King’s Cross, London. The 20,000 square-foot experience center is Samsung’s vision to bring local culture and its unique innovations together and showcasing it to the global community and London residents. Samsung has lined up free events and workshops for visitors conducted by local educational institutions and experience […]
Samsung announces Galaxy A90 5G featuring Samsung Dex
Samsung announced the Galaxy A90 5G that supports Samsung Dex feature. This makes it the first Galaxy A-series phone that Samsung has provided with Dex support. This means one can connect the device to the PC with the bundled USB cable and mirror the phone display for a larger experience. The Galaxy A90 5G is […]
Samsung M30s specifications revealed
Samsung M30s, the successor to the M30 will be launched in India soon on 18 September 12 Noon exclusively on Amazon India. The specifications of the phone have been also listed on the Android Enterprise website. Most recently, the phone pictures were also leaked by Slashleaks. The M30s is a mid-range phone that will be […]
1.3 million units of Galaxy Note10 pre-ordered
Samsung’s latest flagship, the Galaxy Note10 is a hit, at least in South Korea where 1.3 million devices are pre-ordered. The smartphone will release this Friday in South Korea and other countries. The pre-registation number that has crossed 1 million is thanks to mobile operators like the SK Telecom, KT Corp and LG Uplus Corp […]