Samsung has finally launched a new series that will help them take on the Chinese branded phones in the Indian market. The Galaxy M currently consists of Galaxy M10 and Galaxy M20 phones that brings in improved design, infinity-V display, dual cameras and Widevine L1 certification to play HD videos. The Galaxy M20, is understandably […]
Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+ appears in the wild, again
If there’s one company that finds it difficult to keep its devices under wraps, it’s Samsung. Now AllAboutSamsung has published some really good quality pictures that gives a glimpse on Samsung’s upcoming Galaxy S10 and Galaxy S10+ phones. The phones look very similar to its predecessors but the dead giveaway from the front is the […]
Alleged Galaxy S10+ appears in the wild
It seems someone couldn’t keep Samsung’s upcoming phone in their pants! According to a post published on Reddit, the device in the image belongs to the Galaxy S10 family and if another redditor in the thread is to be believed, we’re looking at the Galaxy S10+. As the user rightly points out, the device seems […]
Samsung India confirms Galaxy M, will release later this month
Samsung just confirmed that India will be the first country to get the Galaxy M range of smartphones. The new range is designed in India and is targeted at millennials. The phone will be unveiled on January 28 that will go on sale on Amazon India and Samsung’s Online Shop. Samsung didn’t reveal any features […]
Samsung to announce Galaxy S10 on 20 February
Samsung is rumored to unveil the next line-up of Galaxy S10 devices at the UNPACKED event in San Francisco on 20 February which marks 10 years of Galaxy series. It is said that this time Samsung will unveil three Galaxy S10 phones that includes, S10 Plus and S10 Lite. Alongside, there could be also the […]