Samsung India launched the successor to the Galaxy M33, the Galaxy M34 5G. Galaxy M34 5G features a 6.5-inch Full HD+ Super AMOLED display with 1000 nits peak brightness and Vision Booster technology. The display also features 120Hz refresh rate. One of the highlights of the Galaxy M34 5G is the 50-megapixel camera with OIS. […]
Samsung to host its Unpacked event in Seoul, Korea on 26 July
Come July 26 and Samsung will unveil new Galaxy devices at their Unpacked event in Seoul, Korea. The excerpt from their page below states that the new Galaxy Flip 5 will also be announced. The theme for the event will be culture and vision. A new cultural driver is coming. Come along on our journey […]
Samsung launches Galaxy F54 5G with 108-megpixel camera and 6000 mAh battery capacity
Samsung India has announced Galaxy F54 5G which it touts to be as the most premium Galaxy F series smartphone. One of the highlights of Galaxy F54 5G is the 108-megapixel camera, that features Astrolapse and Nightography. In terms of the phone specifications, Galaxy F54 5G is powered by Samsung’s own Exynos 1380 processor. It […]
Samsung will host the next Galaxy Unpacked in South Korea in late July
After hinting that the upcoming Galaxy Unpacked event could be held in South Korea, Samsung has confirmed that it will take place in its home country. It’s 27th Unpacked event where Samsung will reveal the new Galaxy Z Fold and Galaxy Z Flip devices will happen in Seoul in late July. The event will take […]
Samsung may plan the next Unpacked event in South Korea
Samsung’s second Unpacked event in 2023 could be held in its home country, South Korea. Admittedly, it’s not a direct admission and interpret as you wish but Lee Young-hee, president of the Global Marketing Center for Samsung’s Device eXperience (DX) division said “Seoul is meaningful and important”. It can mean many things but Yonhap News […]